Online Bazaar of food & beverage supply chain businesses
A Marketplace for the development of domestic and international collaboration of Iranian food and beverage industry activists
Reducing marketing costs
Develop market
Grow Collaboration
+500,000 Visitors
Connect to 500+ food & beverage brands
Fill out the form below
Select your business category
- Broadcast & Distribution
- Transportation & International Trade
- Producer of Raw Materials
- Packaging & Printing
- Technology & Software
- Marketing & Advertising Services
- Holding Ceremony, Event & Sampling
- Shop Equipment
- Machinery
- Other
"*" indicates required fields
How can I register in Foodex Iran online bazaar?
Registration is done by filling out the above online form and sending additional information. Then a profile will be created for your business with the aim of introducing your business and products and services and will be available to the public.
Is there a registration fee?
What types of businesses can be present in the online marketplace?
Registration is done by filling out the above online form and sending additional information. Then a profile will be created for your business with the aim of introducing your business and products and services and will be available to the public.
How can I connect with other businesses in the online marketplace and digital exhibition of food brands?
Registration is done by filling out the above online form and sending additional information. Then a profile will be created for your business with the aim of introducing your business and products and services and will be available to the public.